Egyptian President Resigns; NY Times a downer

Leave it to the New York Times to be a debbie on the day Egyptians are celebrating their newfound freedom after 30 years of authoritarian rule.  In the Metro section of the paper, the major article is titled: Amid Jubilation in Little Egypt, a Dissonant Voice. The article highlights the one person who isn’t happy Mubarak resigned. Instead, the individual reminds everyone this may only lead to chaos rather than stability. The Astoria resident stated, “We may not have liked him, but at least we knew him.”  I’m sure people said that about Hitler too.

I’m personally happy Mubarak resigned and the people of Egypt succeeded in liberating themselves from an oppressive regime that spanned generations.  I understand the Times needs to get the more interesting angle out there, but give them at least a day to celebrate. Because in the end, that lone man in Astoria is right; it’s not going to get any easier from here.

For those who don’t care about the news at all, I suggest flipping on the TV for a little and watching the coverage. As I’m learning in my Revolutions in Central America class, it’s extremely rare for a revolution to occur, and even rarer for one to succeed. This is history in the making. Don’t let it pass you by.

P.S. still looking for that Egyptian beer. Maybe this is the weekend to head to Astoria

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